Thursday, October 9, 2008


Please watch this video! It is hilarious!! If you were five years old, what would you do? Wait for something better or eat it right then? PS This church also has a video called "Cardboard Testimonies"...if you haven't seen it, it seriously is a must see. It is powerful. Check it out...its at the bottom of my blog. God Bless. 

Marshmallow Temptation


Unknown said...

hilarious! indeed.

Elizabeth said...

i think it's sad that so many kids can't wait! i think those 3 that waited showed such great self discipline! i think a study was done on kids like this a few decades ago, and it showed that the kids that could wait ended up being the more self-disciplined in their adult professional and personal lives! isn´t it funny how that stuff shows up even in little kids! also, i'm glad you have a blog! it will be good to see what you're up to!