Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Plan B

"Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts before Him, for God is our refuge." Psalm 62:8

I was listening a couple weeks ago to a message from a pastor in Nashville. I’m not sure how I found it, nor do I remember the guys name. But I do remember what he said. He began by asking the question, “what happens when your dreams are shattered?” We all have this picture of how we want our life to look like. Call it our Plan A. However, life does not always go as we have planned. He then asked if “I had learned to trust God...I mean really trust God?” Sometimes, for me, I find it difficult to be faithful to God, when I don’t think He has been faithful to me. And at times, it can be hard to seek Him when I feel like He has abandoned me. But I have a choice to make. Will I interpret God through my circumstances? Or will I simply believe that He is who He says He is.

In 2 Samuel 12, David is pleading with God to heal his sick baby. After 7 days of fasting and praying, his baby dies. When he hears the news, he gets up and goes into the house of the Lord to worship God. This response seems unrealistic. But what David realized is that he does not control outcomes. In fact, he couldn’t even explain outcomes. However, he knew that God could and that God does.

When there is a shattered dream or unmet expectation, will I believe that God is who He says He is? That He will be with me. That He works for my good. That greater things are yet to come. Because...I will have to walk through Plan B’s. But will I trust in His promise...that He is with me, even if I feel like He isn’t? Even when I don’t understand, will I believe that He is in control and that I am not? Because it may be my Plan B, but it’s His Plan A.

1 comment:

Basher said...

It didn't happen to be Pete at Crosspoint? He did that series a while back. The message really resonated with me as well. I have to remember that God's plan isn't always gonna look like mine, and that I am living it out as we speak. We are in a specific spot in our lives and we are to be salt and light in that spot, no matter what the cirumstance.